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Energy Committee Minutes 01-17-11

Energy Committee minutes taken by:  Martha Broad
Burt Schnitzer
Margaret Campbell
Martha Broad
Paul Vasington
Stu Malmberg
Ted Kirchner

Visitor: Ryan Prucnal

1. Database re: Town Energy Use:
Ted/Stu provided update re: Mass Energy Insight database
Vision for integrating it into town operations/planning:
Selectmen would be presented with analysis once a year?
A/P town employee would maintain database
Committee would regularly review data
Harold Brown and Don Lowe would get monthly reports and share with building “budget owners”
Continued progress will depend on behavior changes

2. Stretch Code Discussion:
Stretch code will be the State Code in 2012; it’s only a matter of time because Gov Patrick wants progress re: energy efficiency;
Motion made for Committee to vote on whether to recommend an article re: Stretch Code to Town Meeting; Motion seconded; vote was held:
5 Yays: Schnitzer, Campbell, Broad, Vasington, Malmberg
1 Nay: Kirchner

3. Sawyer PV array : installed, working, but Bill and Martha need training

4. Stu Malmberg re: an energy efficient vehicle policy (per Green Communities)
4 vehicles: EMT has Crown Vehicle, DPW has 2 Silverados one w/snow plow
We could use grants for Harold Car’s; EMT car is very low mileage
Police will eventually, when they are available, have to purchase an efficient vehicle from the list.
Town Vehicle is used only 1x a month; Could town Staff use their own vehicles?

5. Ted re: Energy Insight:  Green Communities is a deterrent to reducing 20%; Database can’t handle biggest energy users (library);
We need to ask Kelly: how to handle numbers so old sq footage of library is representative
Two base years: Base year for library and PS bldg is FY2011; and therefore for all other buildings it’s also FY2011

6. Whether to recommend to Selectmen that Town of Bolton apply for Green Community designation.
Gives us the ability to apply for grants; money is being collected and being awarded, Bolton should get its share.
Motion made; Motion seconded; vote taken:
5 Yays:  Schnitzer, Campbell, Broad, Vasington, Malmberg
1 Abstaining : Kirchner

7. Margaret: Would be good to schedule our article ahead of complicated/potentially expensive Fifeshyer dam (sp?) article on Town Meeting Agenda; Upper dam/lower dam: microhydro? Will Cost approx $500K to take dam down; help or hurt the environment? Fix it = $500K ; old button factory; talk

8. Update from Ted/Martha/Margaret re: Don Lowe Meeting:
We asked Don to Keep us in the loop ; We learned that BATCO has funds to improve inside of Houghton and DPW is responsible for outside of bldg.

9. Margaret suggested that Committee should meet with Harold.  He has a replacement plan for building improvements;  give him info re MassEnergy Insight; find out how we can be helpful;

Action Items:
Martha will Forward don lowe email to rest of committee
Paul: contact Jennifer and get us on agenda at Planning Board, Invite: Bldg Inspector and Selectmen;

Next Agenda:
Margaret’s letter
Planning for Stretch Code proposal

Meeting adjourned.